Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats
Overnight Oats

Last Updated on by Sabina

Overnight oats are a popular and convenient breakfast option that involves soaking oats in liquid overnight, typically in the refrigerator. This no-cook method allows the oats to soften and absorb the liquid, resulting in a creamy and ready-to-eat oatmeal-like dish in the morning.

To make overnight oats, you start with a base of rolled oats and a liquid of your choice, such as milk (dairy or plant-based), yogurt, or a combination of both. The oats are combined with the liquid and left to sit in the refrigerator overnight, allowing the oats to absorb the liquid and soften.

The beauty of them lies in their versatility and customization options. You can add various ingredients to enhance the flavor and texture, such as fruits, nuts, seeds, sweeteners, and spices. This allows you to create a wide range of delicious and nutritious combinations to suit your preferences and dietary needs.

Some benefits of overnight oats include:

  • Time-saving: You can prepare them the night before, saving you time in the morning.
  • No cooking required: The oats soften overnight without the need for cooking, making it a convenient option.
  • Customizable: You can personalize your overnight oats with different flavors and toppings to suit your taste.
  • Nutritious: Oats are a good source of fiber, and you can add additional nutrient-rich ingredients like fruits and nuts.
  • Portable: It can be prepared in jars or containers, making them easily transportable for on-the-go breakfasts.

Whether you prefer them cold or slightly warmed, they offer a satisfying and nourishing start to your day. They provide a balanced combination of carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and healthy fats, keeping you energized and full until your next meal.

Overnight Oats Recipe

Here’s a basic recipe to get you started:


  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup milk (dairy or plant-based)
  • 1/4 cup yogurt (optional, for added creaminess)
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional, for extra texture and nutrition)
  • 1 tablespoon sweetener of choice (such as honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
  • Pinch of salt

Overnight Oats Instructions

  1. In a jar or container with a lid, combine the rolled oats, milk, yogurt (if using), chia seeds (if using), sweetener, vanilla extract (if using), and a pinch of salt. Stir well to combine all the ingredients.
  2. Ensure that the oats are fully submerged in the liquid. If needed, add a little more milk to cover the oats.
  3. Put the lid on the jar/container and refrigerate it overnight or for at least 4 hours. This allows the oats to soak and soften.
  4. In the morning, give the overnight oats a good stir to mix everything together. You can adjust the consistency by adding more milk if desired.
  5. If desired, add your favorite toppings and mix-ins, such as fresh or dried fruits, nuts, seeds, or a sprinkle of cinnamon.
  6. Enjoy your creamy and delicious overnight oats straight from the jar or transfer them to a bowl.

Note: They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days, so you can make a batch ahead of time for multiple breakfasts. Feel free to experiment with different flavors and combinations by incorporating various fruits, spices, and toppings to suit your taste preferences.

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