Three managers in Limuru arrested after female staff forced to undress over used sanitary towel.

Three managers in Limuru arrested after female staff forced to undress over used sanitary towel.
Three managers in Limuru arrested after female staff forced to undress over used sanitary towel.

Last Updated on by Sabina

Three managers from a Limuru-based company were arrested on Thursday, July 6, 2023. After female staff were allegedly forced to undress in order to establish who had disposed of a used sanitary towel in the wrong bin.

The incident occurred at Brownscheese Company Limited, which is based at the posh Tigoni estate. The three managers who were arrested include the quality assurance manager, the human resources manager, and the HR assistant.

According to investigations by the Gender office at the Tigoni police station. The managers had found a used sanitary towel dumped in a dustbin instead of a sanitary disposal bin. They then ordered all female workers to undress in order to establish. Who among them had disposed of the sanitary towel in the wrong bin.

The female workers, who were subjected to forced undressing, have lodged a complaint with the police. As a result, the authorities have arrested and charged the three managers with indecent assault. Currently, they are being held at the Tigoni police station and are expected to appear in court on Friday, July 7, 2023.

The incident has sparked outrage in Kenya, and many people have condemned the actions of the three managers. The Gender office has also condemned the incident. And it has called for the managers to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

This is a serious case of gender-based violence, and it is important that the perpetrators are brought to justice. The Gender office is doing everything it can to ensure that the case is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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