Demonstrations Today in Kenya

Demonstrations in Kenya
Demonstrations in Kenya

Last Updated on by Sabina

There are ongoing demonstrations today in Kenya called for by the main opposition leader. Raila Odinga, against a raft of tax hikes. The protests are expected to be countrywide, and police have deployed heavily in the capital, Nairobi.

The tax hikes, which include a doubling of the fuel tax and introduction of a levy to fund affordable housing. Were signed into law by President William Ruto last month. The government says the tax hikes are needed to deal with growing debt repayments and to fund job-creation initiatives.

However, the opposition and many Kenyans are opposed to the tax hikes, which they say will further burden ordinary Kenyans who are already struggling with the high cost of living. The protests have also been called in response to alleged election irregularities in last year’s presidential election.

The demonstrations have been largely peaceful, but there have been some clashes between police and protesters. At least two people were killed last Friday during a first round of demonstrations against the taxes.

The government has warned that it will not tolerate any violence during the protests, and has urged Kenyans to go about their daily lives as usual.

Reason For Demonstrations Today in Kenya

High cost of living

The cost of food, fuel, and other essential goods has been rising in Kenya in recent months, putting a strain on household budgets.

Alleged election irregularities

The opposition claims that last year’s presidential election was rigged in favor of President William Ruto.

Tax hikes

The government recently imposed a raft of new taxes, including a doubling of the fuel tax. These tax hikes have been met with widespread opposition.

The demonstrations are a sign of the growing discontent among Kenyans with the government. It remains to be seen how the government will respond to the protests, but it is clear that the situation is volatile.

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